Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Shapeman assignment

Kill all enemy shapes
Dont touch a shape different to you
Pick up shape drops to change your shape.

Can sometimes glitch into walls
Death wont register

Friends opinion:
When Matt played he it he said that he liked the level design and the fact the game wasn't too difficult. He also liked the different enemies. He did however say that there needed to be some orb pickups and some more levels.

The sprites are simple 2D models made in Game makers sprite editing function. They are regular shapes with various patterns in them and then a blue square starting block. The walls were also simple squares with a pattern.

sprite0 is the wall sprite that makes up the walls and structures in the game.
As everything in the game the colour scheme is red and black.

circle sprite is one of the enemies in the game that if you come into contact with you will die and restart. Again it has a simplistic design and was made in the Game Maker editor.

pentagon is another enemy that was made in the Game Maker studio with a red and black design

cross uses red, white and black and was made in paint because i found it easier.

triangle is made to look like an Illuminati triangle and was made by getting a JPEG image of an Illuminati triangle and then pix elating it in Photoshop.

and player_square was done with a blue center and acts as the starting sprite for the player who can then turn into different shapes with the pick ups.


Object_controller controls the basic functions of the game which includes things such as game restart and the scoring mechanism.

Object_player controls the players actions so that means it changes its sprite when touching a pick up, getting killed when touched and how it is controlled with the mouse.

Map Layout:

The map layout is simple with narrow corridors and cut off points which can make it fairly difficult at times if trapped.
each different enemy type starts in a different corner protecting their various pickups and the player starts at the center. the controller for the game is in the box at the top which controls the score that is displayed.